Yes I know. Week 40 begins on Wednesday so i'm a little late. This is the end of my 39th week, but so much happened so you need to be informed.
I was assigned to bed rest for the past 2 weeks. That is hard when you hit your "nesting" stage. Richard will be thankful when the baby comes so I will stop "nesting"...its apparently expensive to "nest." We have bought a new living room, complete with accent pillows and lamps, and I keep thinking of things we need to go get from the grocery store or to finish decorating the nursery. Once in a while I will jump out of bed to dust. I have noticed so many more little things to clean that have never mattered to be before. I can only "nest" for about 15 minutes then I jump back in bed. Richard has had his hands full, but he's the tidy one of the pair of he knows exactly what to do.
My blood pressure has fluctuated and gets crazy high, especially just before i head into the doctor's office, so of course they get concerned. I'm not nervous about the doctor, and no it's not because of something I ate. I didn't run a marathon or try to speed vacuum the whole house (Come on people! i don' vacuum!). I have the risk of developing preeclemsia, so they have been watching for this. I have been to the hospital twice already, only to be sent home a few hours later...and with no baby to show for it. Lame.
The first time, Richard and I considered that our "trial run." I had gone to the doctor the day before. They assigned me to bed rest and to watch my blood pressure. My fabulous (then pregnant) friend, Joy, brought me her grandmother's blood pressure cuff so I could watch it throughout the weekend. (Side note: after dropping it off at my house, she took her toddler to the mall, and then checked into the hospital to have a baby. No big deal.... Ok. WOW! she's my hero!). The next day i started feeling dizzy so I called the doctor to see if that was normal and told her my blood pressure had been a little high, but since i called at the end of the day i figured they would just tell me to go lay down again and come up with a better symptom to bother them with. The nurse called back and said "The doctor would like you to go ahead and go to the hospital."
"The WHAT?" I asked, tearing up.
"The hospital."
"The hospital?!" This time more tears.
"Yes. We have already admitted you. Do you know where to go?"
It was on the tour during our birthing class, so I remembered. I called Richard and in mild hysterics told him "The doctor called and wants me to go to the hospital now."
But he heard, "blubber, Can you come home? I don't feel good. blubber." Thankfully he came home, as i melted and then began to pull all our hospital stuff together.
Thankfully I had already packed my bag, but there was so much that needed to be done before we REALLY went to the hospital. I needed to clean out my car, clean my house, finish laundry, get a pedicure (cute toes are a must for labor. you didn't know that?), take a shower, and so much more! What will we do with the dog? Why won't my mother pick up her phone? As I sobbed and packed, Richard waltzes in and asks me "What's wrong?" We then realize he did not make out what I was saying over the phone. When he realized i meant HOSPITAL he jumped. He packed his bag, cleaned out my car, installed the carseat, and 4 other things i hadn't thought of. He even let me go take a shower before we left.
We were out the door in 45 minutes headed to the hospital. We videoed our panic attack in the car, realizing how mentally unprepared we were. This was our wake up call. We spent a total of 3 hours in the hospital, my blood pressure went down, and then went to get Chick Fil A milkshakes on our way home. Whew!
I did feel sorry for the other girl in our room that night. She thought she was in labor and made lots of painful gasps and whimpers, only to later be told by the doctor that the contractions weren't that impressive and she needed to take an Ambien to get some sleep.
My parents ended up driving down to stay with us for 48 hours, just in case. Mom made lots of frozen meals and everyone helped clean up and keep me "happy". If anyone was annoying or tried to make fun of me, i would start beeping at them.
Four days later the doctor called wanting me to come back in for a check up, and I was sent to the hospital again. This time in better spirits because I had done this before...but we didn't have the car packed. Same story. I asked the doctor there if i could take the gown home since apparently my blood pressure went down at the hospital so easily. She thought i was funny, and we giggled.
The girl I shared my room with THAT night was angry and had a cold and complained about the doctor to all the nurses. Something about how she didn't feel very important. Shoulda told a joke, lady!
Today we head to our doctor's appointment, but this time we are packing the car just in case they want to send me over to the hospital. It could happen and we are more mentally prepared. I can't wrap my head around today being THE DAY...much less this being THE WEEK... but I'm excited.
Baby is coming very soon! Keep us in your prayers.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
36 weeks- Nice Lady!
I was at the mall with Brandy this weekend and a lady came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I Immediately looked down to my bag to see what had fallen out, since my clumsiness is heightened.
She just smiled at me and said, "I wanted to tell you that you look really cute."
What an INCREDIBLE woman! ALL pregnant women need to hear that once and a while. I bet she was pregnant once and knew that as we continue to "blossom" and "bloom" in our final months, we need constant affirmation.What a nice lady!
The nursery is coming together. My parents came to town this past weekend to come to an ultrasound, and my mom was crucial at helping me sort through the sea of presents. It still needs a little organizing, but it looks like a nursery now. Yay!
And...this is my last week of work. Next Monday I plan on propping my feet up and spending my time catching up on the DVR. Then I'll start into the pile of books I have been wanting to read.
She just smiled at me and said, "I wanted to tell you that you look really cute."
What an INCREDIBLE woman! ALL pregnant women need to hear that once and a while. I bet she was pregnant once and knew that as we continue to "blossom" and "bloom" in our final months, we need constant affirmation.What a nice lady!
The nursery is coming together. My parents came to town this past weekend to come to an ultrasound, and my mom was crucial at helping me sort through the sea of presents. It still needs a little organizing, but it looks like a nursery now. Yay!
And...this is my last week of work. Next Monday I plan on propping my feet up and spending my time catching up on the DVR. Then I'll start into the pile of books I have been wanting to read.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
This is me at 33.5 weeks at my Atlanta baby shower.
I was usual. Where's my box fan?
I was usual. Where's my box fan?
34 weeks- I will NOT complain
The baby is now a cantaloupe. A very active, hiccupping cantaloupe that loves to
I will not complain. I have too much to be thankful for and I don't want to be whiny or needy or emotional. I will not complain about certain things that tend to plague pregnant women. That's ridiculous.
I will not complain that:
So...If I'm not going to complain, I need to focus on the blessings:
I will not complain. I have too much to be thankful for and I don't want to be whiny or needy or emotional. I will not complain about certain things that tend to plague pregnant women. That's ridiculous.
I will not complain that:
- my ankles are swollen
- my back hurts all the time and makes me walk crooked
- my wedding rings no longer fit. I had to buy a makeshift band, just so I looked married. It's pretty, but I miss my diamond.
- I have zero energy. Wow. A nap sounds good right now.
- I have to pee every hour, and/ or if i stand and then sit in a span of 10 minutes.
- My allergies are still pretty bad, but honestly I am scared that if I take a benedryl at night, I will wet the bed.
- Everyone says the wrong things to me, at the wrong moment.I'm hormonal, people. I can't tell you when I am well prepared for a "big" comment and when I'm not:
- "Wow. You have gotten so big." (come on! No woman EVER wants to hear that at any point in her life. What if I said that to you? Oh, but it's ok to say that to a pregnant person.)
- "You are huge!" (rude)
- "Any day now, right?" (nope, I got 6 weeks)
- "You look like you are ready to explode/pop?" (compared to what?)
- "I can tell you're getting bigger, fatter, fuller, popping out, etc."
- One lady tells me EVERY DAY that she sees me "Now I can really tell you are pregnant." I say as sweetly as I can muster, "Well I am... just like yesterday."
- Also, the new passing statement to me is: "How do you feel?" I have to say "Good. Thanks." because I know they mean well. The problem is what I WANT to say to this question: "fat, swollen, tired, hungry, cranky, emotional, and like i have to pee constantly." I grew up in a sarcastic home. I can't help it.
So...If I'm not going to complain, I need to focus on the blessings:
- First of all, and most important, My husband has been the HERO. He does so much around the house, and then rubs my back. He's taped and painted the nursery, put the crib together, and helped me carry many baby things from my shopping trips and showers. He prays with me and for me, and he encourages me. He tells me I'm beautiful all the time, which is the LAST characteristic I believe I posses at this moment. He's the! Just sayin'!
- The nursery is painted and the crib is in place, thanks to Richard.
- I'm still on my feet, active (as much as I can be), able to move, drive and continue to work.
- Speaking of work, I am transitioning out of my job currently and will be a stay at home pregnant lady (Lord willing) beginning October 3. Normal circumstances, this calls for me to jump up and down and do a toe touch, but....
- The baby and I are still healthy and "normal". No issues or concerns have been detected throughout the entire high risk status. Even if I have wanted to be worried, the doctors have been very encouraged at my health and her development. Praise the Lord.
- We have been given so many things from wonderful friends and beautiful showers, that we are only having to supplement a few things extra to "be ready". I am thankful for all these relationships and loving friends who are excited for us and supporting us through this new journey in our lives.
- And...I just got a text from my mother-in-law who is on her way here with my favorite cookies from Whole Foods. Now THAT'S a blessing! (They are espresso chip... don't judge me.)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
31 weeks- Preparation for Change
So many things are about to happen in our lives...just 9 weeks (or earlier...agh!). We have a list of things to do before Baby (Gurrll) Clark arrives.
Becoming a blogger has peaked my interest in other bloggers, specifically moms. Someone had posted this earlier, and while I wish I could have more time to bestow such eloquent words...this girl actually has already "been there, done that" so she knows what she's talking about. I won't post the whole thing, but if you want to read it in its entirety, click here.
If I had to pick one word to describe motherhood, I think that word would be “transforming.”
The days of a busy mother are made up of millions of transformations. Dirty children become clean, the hungry child fed, the tired child sleeping. Almost every task a mother performs in the course of a normal day could be considered a transformation. Disorder to order, dirty clothes to clean, unhappy children to peaceful, empty fridge to full. Every day we fight against disorder, filth, starvation, and lawlessness, and some days we might almost succeed. And then, while we sleep, everything unravels and we start again in the morning — transforming.
Days of these little cycles add up and suddenly you see a big transformation. A nursing infant has become a boy on a bicycle, a baby bump has grown into a toddler, and children have been changed into brothers and sisters.
Then there is the kind of transformations that we do — not because we work at it, but because we were created to do it. You eat your lunch, and your body transforms it into nourishment for a baby. Taking something too big for an infant, and still finding a way to feed them with it — with the goal of growing them up to do it themselves.
Pregnancy and nursing are only a small part of a child’s life though — and this cycle is clearly not only a physical one. It is the spiritual cycle of food that is so much more important, and so much less talked about. Christian mothering is a constant cycle of nourishment — both physical and spiritual.
The good news is, you don’t need to have been through some elite mother’s training camp to apply the gospel in your life. You need to believe. Trust God, give thanks. Laugh. Believe — and that will feed your children. Rest in God, and your children will learn to. Extend God’s kindness to you, to them. Forgive them the way God forgave you. You have everything you need to spiritually nourish your children, because you have Christ.
What an amazing comfort to be reminded that I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED because of Christ in me. He is my HOPE today.
How do you handle change?
- Decide on a name.... once and for all.
- Upon returning from our Baby Shower Weekend in NC, our living room currently looks like we robbed a Babies R Us. We have to find a place for all our baby loot which requires ORGANIZATION. Not my strong suit. (help, Virginia!)
- Finish painting the nursery. Don't worry. It's almost done. Richard is the MAN!
- Pick up the crib from our friends who are giving us one. It's so beautiful.
- Set up and arrange whatever furniture we choose to put in the nursery, decorate, organize, etc.
- We NEED a recliner, so we have to go find one or shop Craigslist.
- Sign up and schedule birthing class and hospital tour
- In addition to writing "thank you" notes, begin to baby proof our condo, and pray, pray, pray, and then add 30 more things that we don't know we need to do yet.
- I have to learn to not like sleep for quite some time...and/ or the rest of my life.
- I have to prepare to transition from being a "working woman" to being a "new mommy" natural as that role is, I hear it is not an easy transition.
- Furthermore, my "work" has been investing in the lives of children for 7 years. I am going to miss leading children in worship, talking to them every week, teaching Biblical principles and sharing Jesus Christ. Basically, a ministry to hundreds is becoming a ministry to one child.
- My body is about to go through a MAJOR adjustment and stretching and warping. Can I handle it mentally and physically? Will I recover quickly? Will I ever have clothes that fit again?
Becoming a blogger has peaked my interest in other bloggers, specifically moms. Someone had posted this earlier, and while I wish I could have more time to bestow such eloquent words...this girl actually has already "been there, done that" so she knows what she's talking about. I won't post the whole thing, but if you want to read it in its entirety, click here.
Motherhood is Application
by Rachel Jankovic
If I had to pick one word to describe motherhood, I think that word would be “transforming.”
The days of a busy mother are made up of millions of transformations. Dirty children become clean, the hungry child fed, the tired child sleeping. Almost every task a mother performs in the course of a normal day could be considered a transformation. Disorder to order, dirty clothes to clean, unhappy children to peaceful, empty fridge to full. Every day we fight against disorder, filth, starvation, and lawlessness, and some days we might almost succeed. And then, while we sleep, everything unravels and we start again in the morning — transforming.
Days of these little cycles add up and suddenly you see a big transformation. A nursing infant has become a boy on a bicycle, a baby bump has grown into a toddler, and children have been changed into brothers and sisters.
Then there is the kind of transformations that we do — not because we work at it, but because we were created to do it. You eat your lunch, and your body transforms it into nourishment for a baby. Taking something too big for an infant, and still finding a way to feed them with it — with the goal of growing them up to do it themselves.
Pregnancy and nursing are only a small part of a child’s life though — and this cycle is clearly not only a physical one. It is the spiritual cycle of food that is so much more important, and so much less talked about. Christian mothering is a constant cycle of nourishment — both physical and spiritual.
and then later she says...
Mothering is a job that is full of difficult moments. Diapers blow out in stores when you have too much in your cart to just walk out. Sudden carsickness can leave you pulled over on the side of the road wondering just how much can be done with half a bag of wet wipes. You need to take what you believe and apply it to these difficult moments. Does the Bible teach us that God is disgusted by our frailty? That he doesn’t want to carry our burdens? That he doesn’t have the energy to deal with us?The good news is, you don’t need to have been through some elite mother’s training camp to apply the gospel in your life. You need to believe. Trust God, give thanks. Laugh. Believe — and that will feed your children. Rest in God, and your children will learn to. Extend God’s kindness to you, to them. Forgive them the way God forgave you. You have everything you need to spiritually nourish your children, because you have Christ.
What an amazing comfort to be reminded that I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED because of Christ in me. He is my HOPE today.
How do you handle change?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
30 weeks- Non-committal
I can't believe I am 30 weeks! The baby is about 3 pounds, about the size of a cabbage. (why don't think pick more appealing fruits and veggies. Cabbage? Bleh.) Only 10 weeks left....whoa.
I woke up this morning at 2:30 AM because I had to go to the bathroom. Normal. However when I got back in bed all I could think about was the nursery and the bedding I bought the day before at a consignment sale. I tossed and turned for over an hour about CRIB BEDDING! I had decided a couple months ago on pink and green owl print...but it was a little pricey so I wasn't sure I could get it. And if I pay a lot of money, I want to love it! All this time I have wanted to used the pink and green color combo for something. I am having a GIRL! This was my time to finally do it, and then I went and bought a mauve, pale pink, and chocolate crib bedding with toille and beaded tassels. What was I thinking?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
24 weeks-Hope Remains
Hope. You do not have to be a Christian to know what hope is. We hope our team wins. Hope they are serving dessert at dinner. We hope we do well on tests. We hope that our plans will pan out and everyone will be happy.
But hope that is Christian based, that is established in Jesus Christ, that is real hope. That hope is something that lasts, when everything around you crumbles. When everyone you've counted on gives up on you. When your job is shaky and your health is waning, a hope in Jesus Christ is something you can hold on to because your hope is not based on other people, or circumstances, or even yourself. It is based on an Eternal, Just, Holy, and Mighty God, who is Infinite in power and knowledge. He holds our future, therefore He is our hope.
Psalm 25:3-5
"No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame... Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
I've known this in my head for many years, but I've struggled with understanding it and accepting it in my soul through this past year. There are many aspects to faith that cannot be truly understood or felt until they have been tested. Truly bumped. What is the quote that compares us to vases? Just like a vase full of water: You will find out the true character of someone by what comes out when they are bumped. Something like that.
Well, lets just say that 2010 was a BUMPY year for us. In February we were delighted to find out we were pregnant. But no more than 4 weeks after we found out, I miscarried. I spent the next month enveloped in WebMD and health books, trying to figure out what I did to cause this. By the way... NEVER go on WebMD after something like this. You just end up with way too much information and paranoia soon follows. I ended up throwing away lots of shampoo, soap, medicine, cleaning products, and all BPA water bottles.
Psalm 139:13-14
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Job 1:21
"... The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”
God's timetable is different than ours. This was a hard lesson to take from my years of scripture memory and study and REALLY apply it to my heart. But I will say there is hope. There is a purpose in everything. We have a loving Father who sees our dreams, desires and hopes, and waits for the actual and precise moment to proceed them into our lives.
Isaiah 55:9
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
I named this blog "and hope remains" as a reminder for whatever happens, whatever circumstances or issues rise up, whatever I face in life and pregnancy, I will have hope. The title was completely for my own benefit. These other postings can attribute to my constant need for reminders. Ha! I just needed to be reminded where my hope comes from. you have hope?
But hope that is Christian based, that is established in Jesus Christ, that is real hope. That hope is something that lasts, when everything around you crumbles. When everyone you've counted on gives up on you. When your job is shaky and your health is waning, a hope in Jesus Christ is something you can hold on to because your hope is not based on other people, or circumstances, or even yourself. It is based on an Eternal, Just, Holy, and Mighty God, who is Infinite in power and knowledge. He holds our future, therefore He is our hope.
Psalm 25:3-5
"No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame... Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
I've known this in my head for many years, but I've struggled with understanding it and accepting it in my soul through this past year. There are many aspects to faith that cannot be truly understood or felt until they have been tested. Truly bumped. What is the quote that compares us to vases? Just like a vase full of water: You will find out the true character of someone by what comes out when they are bumped. Something like that.
Well, lets just say that 2010 was a BUMPY year for us. In February we were delighted to find out we were pregnant. But no more than 4 weeks after we found out, I miscarried. I spent the next month enveloped in WebMD and health books, trying to figure out what I did to cause this. By the way... NEVER go on WebMD after something like this. You just end up with way too much information and paranoia soon follows. I ended up throwing away lots of shampoo, soap, medicine, cleaning products, and all BPA water bottles.
I put expectations on myself and on God to "come through for me" since He owes me, right? I made the mistake of telling God what He should do in my life next. I wanted to get pregnant again right away. My prayer for the remaining months was that I would be pregnant again before my due date of the one I lost. Totally feasible, and with God anything is possible, right? But that wasn't His plan.
In September, same story. Another early miscarriage. Another disappointment. I want to tell you that in both situations I was clinging to my Bible and praying all the time. But I was frustrated with God. I was mad, and it was hard to pull my Bible out at all. My due date in October for the first pregnancy was the hardest day to walk through, not only grieving all over again, but feeling disappointment and anger towards God all over again.
God blessed me with great friends and family and a spiritual mentor to encourage me and lift me up in prayer. My mentor, Linda, reminded me that as much as I like to think I caused this pregnancy or had anything to do with it, it is God who creates life.
In September, same story. Another early miscarriage. Another disappointment. I want to tell you that in both situations I was clinging to my Bible and praying all the time. But I was frustrated with God. I was mad, and it was hard to pull my Bible out at all. My due date in October for the first pregnancy was the hardest day to walk through, not only grieving all over again, but feeling disappointment and anger towards God all over again.
God blessed me with great friends and family and a spiritual mentor to encourage me and lift me up in prayer. My mentor, Linda, reminded me that as much as I like to think I caused this pregnancy or had anything to do with it, it is God who creates life.
Psalm 139:13-14
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Job 1:21
"... The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”
God's timetable is different than ours. This was a hard lesson to take from my years of scripture memory and study and REALLY apply it to my heart. But I will say there is hope. There is a purpose in everything. We have a loving Father who sees our dreams, desires and hopes, and waits for the actual and precise moment to proceed them into our lives.
Isaiah 55:9
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Yesterday was the beginning of week 24 and viability, means there is enough medical knowledge and technology to sustain a baby outside the womb. I am thankful that things have been healthy and normal this far and that I am not freaking out as much as I thought I would be. I have peace. I am amazed at the way God has eased my anxiety and taught me to trust in Him and His plans.
I named this blog "and hope remains" as a reminder for whatever happens, whatever circumstances or issues rise up, whatever I face in life and pregnancy, I will have hope. The title was completely for my own benefit. These other postings can attribute to my constant need for reminders. Ha! I just needed to be reminded where my hope comes from. you have hope?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Week 20- Pink explosion
At 20 weeks, the baby is the size of a banana.
We are having a GIRL!
I cannot believe it. I really thought all this time that it was a boy, and so my brain has been processing boys for so long that transferring thoughts to peonies, daisies, glitter, and ballet is quite a transition. But I am thankful and excited just the same!
We had our ultrasound at a perinatal office on Friday. The best I can describe is a very specialized ultrasound since my pregnancy is high risk. The benefits of being "high-risk" is that the doctors are very cautious and have to do a lot more ultrasounds than normal.... so I get to see my baby every 6 weeks. Hooray!
Richard went to this appointment with me, and my super active baby was still super active (she is going to be a dancer, I believe!). During this ultrasound they go through all the anatomy and check everything: from measuring the femur bone and forearm, to counting the bones in the pink finger. This is also of course where they confirm the sex of the baby. We didn't want to be surprised! We were ready to find out.
As the technician was doing some measurements of the stomach and and torso, she kept laughing at how the baby was putting her (ah! her!!) hand in all the shots. (That is such an Uncle Tay tay thing to do!) So you see her ankle and toes and...a hand. They she would MOOOOVE around and put her hands above her head. and then back down again. I just kept thinking, jazz hands! (See? Dancer.)
After that nurse was finished she said "stay as you are" (goop and all) because the doctor would come in to look too. But they sent in another nurse to confirm a measurement, and more goop was squirted on my stomach. Then she left and 10 minutes later the doctor came in and added more goop. Ick! I think they just like the splft! sound the bottle makes. Richard took a picture of my goopiness. Thanks, dear.
Everything looked normal and healthy. Praise the Lord! They don't see any concerns right now. The doctor just wants to keep an eye on things, so I go back mid July for another ultrasound.
As soon as we left they doctor, we both started calling family and friends. I had a few confusing conversations in the car as my excitement and Richard's excitement spilled together into a dueling phone match. :)
Richard said a few times, "my world is about to explode in pink!" He's soooo right!
We are having a GIRL!
I cannot believe it. I really thought all this time that it was a boy, and so my brain has been processing boys for so long that transferring thoughts to peonies, daisies, glitter, and ballet is quite a transition. But I am thankful and excited just the same!
We had our ultrasound at a perinatal office on Friday. The best I can describe is a very specialized ultrasound since my pregnancy is high risk. The benefits of being "high-risk" is that the doctors are very cautious and have to do a lot more ultrasounds than normal.... so I get to see my baby every 6 weeks. Hooray!
Richard went to this appointment with me, and my super active baby was still super active (she is going to be a dancer, I believe!). During this ultrasound they go through all the anatomy and check everything: from measuring the femur bone and forearm, to counting the bones in the pink finger. This is also of course where they confirm the sex of the baby. We didn't want to be surprised! We were ready to find out.
As the technician was doing some measurements of the stomach and and torso, she kept laughing at how the baby was putting her (ah! her!!) hand in all the shots. (That is such an Uncle Tay tay thing to do!) So you see her ankle and toes and...a hand. They she would MOOOOVE around and put her hands above her head. and then back down again. I just kept thinking, jazz hands! (See? Dancer.)
After that nurse was finished she said "stay as you are" (goop and all) because the doctor would come in to look too. But they sent in another nurse to confirm a measurement, and more goop was squirted on my stomach. Then she left and 10 minutes later the doctor came in and added more goop. Ick! I think they just like the splft! sound the bottle makes. Richard took a picture of my goopiness. Thanks, dear.
Everything looked normal and healthy. Praise the Lord! They don't see any concerns right now. The doctor just wants to keep an eye on things, so I go back mid July for another ultrasound.
As soon as we left they doctor, we both started calling family and friends. I had a few confusing conversations in the car as my excitement and Richard's excitement spilled together into a dueling phone match. :)
Richard said a few times, "my world is about to explode in pink!" He's soooo right!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
19 Weeks- the Kicking Tomato
I am at 19 weeks today and the baby is the size of an heirloom tomato. I have started to feel a lot of commotion and movement lately, even some light kicks. It's really amazing and no words can describe the feeling.
I just had to show this:
Each week, I get an update from an app on my iPhone (from a website called about the progress of the baby and a picture pops up like this one at 12 weeks:
Growing. Developing. Happy and content. But wait...
This is the picture that came up today (at 19 weeks)!
Really? No wonder the little thing is starting to kick. If the baby is anything like me, he/she is having some MAJOR personal space issues. I would be having a serious meltdown at this point.
Speaking of HE or SHE...we are finding out on FRIDAY if we are decorating the nursery with airplanes or ruffles. We can't wait!
I just had to show this:
Each week, I get an update from an app on my iPhone (from a website called about the progress of the baby and a picture pops up like this one at 12 weeks:
Growing. Developing. Happy and content. But wait...
This is the picture that came up today (at 19 weeks)!
Really? No wonder the little thing is starting to kick. If the baby is anything like me, he/she is having some MAJOR personal space issues. I would be having a serious meltdown at this point.
Speaking of HE or SHE...we are finding out on FRIDAY if we are decorating the nursery with airplanes or ruffles. We can't wait!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
17 weeks-Turning Turnip Green
There is a scene in the Bourne Identity, where Jason Bourne is explaining to Marie about the weird senses he is picking up in the diner. (I looked it up.)
Jason Bourne: I come in here, and the first thing I'm doing is I'm catching the sightlines and looking for an exit.
Marie: I see the exit sign, too, I'm not worried. I mean, you were shot. People do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they are scared.
Jason Bourne: I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that?
I can relate...
Christen: I walk into any room, and the first thing I do is check for the exit. I can tell how many trashcans are in the room that I could throw up in a moment's notice. I can tell you which people around me look like they would be helpful if I were to get sick and which ones could jump out of the way the fastest. I know the best person to ask for a ginger ale, and I can walk 3 flights of stairs before my nausea starts up again. Now why would I know that?
I am 17 and 1/2 weeks pregnant (the baby is the size of a turnip...not very glamorous), and well into my second trimester. I want to say that I feel great and that my second trimester is full of energy and no more sickness. That is still not the case. Everything that my pregnancy app is telling me i should be feeling right now isn't happening.
This morning, as I was pulling into church, I noticed the banana I was eating tasted a little strange. I parked, got out of my car and puked on the ground next to my car. I walked about 10 more feet and puked in a bush. I believe the geese that inhabit our church property were laughing at me 2 bushes over. Thankfully, I don't THINK anyone saw me.
I am continually impressed with the pregnant women I hear about who can throw up and bounce right back into whatever they are doing. I'm not there yet. I require a make up change and a 2 hour nap.
On another note, I went to the doctor last week for a check up. I got to hear the heartbeat. It was solid and steady. On June 3, Richard and I will find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait to see the baby again.
I have also bought a few baby things recently, a high chair and a bouncy seat at a yard sale, and a really cute sailor dress at the thrift store. I don't know if I am having a girl, but the dress was so precious and only $3. I couldn't pass that up.
Even with all the sickness, I am loving being pregnant. I love planning and preparing for this baby, and I am praying that I can be the kind of mother that God wants me to be.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Buns, Covets and Flittles
Happy Mother's Day! Many friends have wished me a Happy "first Mother's Day", but I don't feel like it will truly be my FIRST until I am holding a little one. Even still, I am honored to be a "soon to be" mother...and I don't mind the cards and attention (Let's be honest!).
Wow. I'm way behind on this here. So much has happened the the past MONTH...That's way too long. I'm sorry to report so much in one, but I wanted to get everyone caught up. Hold on to your butts!
I had a fabulous 13 week ultrasound on April 22. The tech was trying to measure but the baby moved, kicked, rolled and punched A LOT! At one point the tech just laughed and said "Where are you going?!" to the baby because he/she was dodging in and out. This of course made me laugh so then the poor ultrasound tech had to start over. I have decided that the baby is DEFINITELY mine because he/she loves working out and/ or showing off.
What a beautiful baby! :)
I love the hand! "Hey!"
Because all went well, I felt it was finally time to announce to the world that I was having a baby. So I posted this picture on Facebook and let everyone figure it out.
Now I am approaching 16 weeks (on Wednesday). The beginning of my second trimester has been rough. During participating in the Atlanta Passion Play, I had come down with an awesome sinus infection. After enduring a week and a half of misery, I finally went to the doctor who gave me some antibiotics, and even still, I was super cautious about how much Sudafed and allergy medicine I took. I drank water and Gatorade like it was going out of style; mainly for my throat and in hopes of flushing the sickness out. That just made me pee MORE. Awesome. Also, the infection caused me to puke quite a few times. I didn't throw up AT ALL during my first trimester, even with the intense nausea. I tried my mom's method of talking myself out of it, but this sinus infection totally won! Hopefully I am finally passed that and can begin to enjoy the energy and less morning sickness.
This past week, Richard and I got to go on our "Just Us Vacation." When we got married, our friends, the Fishers, told us to always try to get away alone once a year. And we have made it a tradition. We had big hopes for our "Just Us Vacay" this year that included a roadtrip down the California coast. However, that was BEFORE we found out we were pregnant. We decided to save the money, and enjoy some relaxation at Myrtle Beach, SC. We stayed in a beautiful high rise condo owned by my wonderful relatives. The condo overlooked the beach, so each morning I could watch the ocean and read and pray. It was a great time for Richard and I to rest and enjoy each other's company.
In the past few weeks I have noticed that my "cravings" have turned into "covets". Instead of craving random foods or strange combinations with pickles, I just want what someone else is having. If I see someone enjoying a snack, I want that....and will covet it all day. If I see a billboard, magazine ad, or commercial, I am enticed to go get that thing (or send Richard). I have even read a few people's FB status of what they were making for a meal, and decided I needed that thing. This morning I read a friend was making pancakes with strawberries for their mother's day breakfast. Guess what Richard is making me for Mother's Day Dinner? Mmm.
I will say that bacon is the only constant. I can eat that every meal everyday! So now I believe that my child will be very much like Aunt Lala, who can eat a pound of bacon in one sitting.
The first part of your pregnancy, the baby seems to be more of a "theory" because you are only recognizing the symptoms and changes. AND you have to remind yourself that you aren't just getting fat...someONE is growing inside you. Then there is a flittle! A tap tap! I have to be paying attention or I get it confused with a gas bubble or hunger pains. I am beginning to notice the flittles when I lay flat on my back. And then I am just in awe! Having a baby is TRULY miraculous. I am amazed at what God is doing inside me!
Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Week 12- Lime Green
Week 12 News and updates:

Then she called me and with all the compassion and love and sarcasm in her heart, sat me down (over the phone) and suggested we keep looking. (I think her words were "really? REALLY?! These are terrible!") She explained to me that this was a blank canvas. We needed to not settle, but to find the names that perfectly fit our family... and she said she expected more out of me! :) I just love her and her willingness to ALWAY offer up her "opinion." After being kindly berrated for 45 minutes, I then explained that she will love the baby, even if we name it Poop. She agreed to that at least. But the pressure is on. (I'm the firstborn you know, so I have to live up to the expectation...can't help it.)

- The baby is the size of a lime today. I love limes. I love the color, lime green. It's striking and loud and bright. I love the flavor that limes add to fajitas and candy and Coke. I love sour stuff, and have enjoyed Sour Patch Kids candy when I'm feeling queazy. So it seems appropriate that my baby is compared to this beautiful green citrus fruit.
- I have a horrible cold this week. Started with allergies, and turned into mayhem in my head. Where normally I would just pop a pill, I am having to tread lightly around the medicine cabinet. Allergy meds like Zyrtec and Benedryl are not great for pregnancy so you have to be careful and take only as needed.
- I made lemon bars last night. These are AMAZING...and I highly recommend this recipe from the Pioneer Woman. They are super easy and one of the best recipes i've ever tried (and i have tried a lot of lemon bars!) I was too tired to eat them by the time they were done. So guess what I had for breakfast? ....well oatmeal first, and then I had dessert! :)
- My next ultra sound is in 10 days! I will be finished with my first trimester by then. WOW time flies! I can't wait to see the baby and how much he or she has grown. After the ultrasound we will make our official announcement to the world! We are excited to let everyone know, especially so that people around me won't think I have just let myself go. I'm a little more rotund than usual these days, so I am ready for people to know why.
- We are still discussing names. And by discussing I mean, that I am pouring through websites trying to find the perfect one. This is a hard task, and not something we are taking lightly. It is also hard to bring my taste in colorful, artistic, creative things with Richard's very conservative, compassionate, proper taste.
Then she called me and with all the compassion and love and sarcasm in her heart, sat me down (over the phone) and suggested we keep looking. (I think her words were "really? REALLY?! These are terrible!") She explained to me that this was a blank canvas. We needed to not settle, but to find the names that perfectly fit our family... and she said she expected more out of me! :) I just love her and her willingness to ALWAY offer up her "opinion." After being kindly berrated for 45 minutes, I then explained that she will love the baby, even if we name it Poop. She agreed to that at least. But the pressure is on. (I'm the firstborn you know, so I have to live up to the expectation...can't help it.)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Craving list
I haven't craved anything weird yet. But in case you were wondering what I can't stop noshing on....Here is a list of my most craved prego foods so far:
1. Bacon
2. Peanut Butter
3. Hot dogs- I just thought this was cute...I won't eat Levi. I promise. :)
4. Blueberry pancakes
5. Any kind of cake or brownies
6. Goldfish crackers
7. Chocolate milk
8. Fruit- mostly oranges and apples
9. Cheese
10. Banana pudding...the hot kind from Mary Mac's in downtown Atlanta. I will be getting some of that this weekend when my parents arrive.
Very brown and orange, isn't it? So basically, fat and sugar. Great!
I feel like the rest of my cravings are the result of watching others enjoy something, or seeing a commercial for that food. Paula Deen shows are so much fun to watch right now, but result in a buttery craving. And I used to love to check out Martha Stewart's food website for ideas or inspiration for dinner. Instead I just gape and drool through the slideshows. Speaking of...check out this slideshow !! (Warning: do not watch if you are hungry, pregnant or like breakfast food!)
I was REALLY hoping I would be a skinny pregnant woman...oh well. I'm getting a brownie!
1. Bacon
2. Peanut Butter
3. Hot dogs- I just thought this was cute...I won't eat Levi. I promise. :)
4. Blueberry pancakes
5. Any kind of cake or brownies
6. Goldfish crackers
7. Chocolate milk
8. Fruit- mostly oranges and apples
9. Cheese
10. Banana pudding...the hot kind from Mary Mac's in downtown Atlanta. I will be getting some of that this weekend when my parents arrive.
Very brown and orange, isn't it? So basically, fat and sugar. Great!
I feel like the rest of my cravings are the result of watching others enjoy something, or seeing a commercial for that food. Paula Deen shows are so much fun to watch right now, but result in a buttery craving. And I used to love to check out Martha Stewart's food website for ideas or inspiration for dinner. Instead I just gape and drool through the slideshows. Speaking of...check out this slideshow !! (Warning: do not watch if you are hungry, pregnant or like breakfast food!)
I was REALLY hoping I would be a skinny pregnant woman...oh well. I'm getting a brownie!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Pregnancy Brain
Today my baby is the size of a FIG! Isn't that cute?
Ok. Let me preface this post by saying...I am a very forgetful person. I know I am, and have always been Growing up, I had to learn to write things down on my notebook or my bathroom mirror or even my hands and arms, just so I would remember important assignments and events. Even with all those, I would lose my notebook, wipe the mirror, or wash my hands. And my moment of remembrance would come as I walked in my classroom door! Eek!
In my college years, I would get halfway to class and realize I didn't have my books. So I would have to run UPHILL all the way, to go get them, only to find that I forgot my keys and couldn't get in the dorm. I never gained weight in college, I lost it! I contribute my weight loss and management to my forgetfulness.
God has blessed me now with a husband who helps me remember. I also put important dates, lists, and assignments in my very efficient phone that beeps at me to remember them. But I still have my moments. And with a bun in the oven, my forgetful brain is greeted with a deluge of hormones and exhaustion.
Now here we go:
Yesterday was Atlanta Passion Play Load In Day. This is wear all the crew and some of the cast take a day off work to come help take props, staging, costumes, etc. off large trucks and set them up backstage as we prepare for the show this weekend. It is a long day that requires lots of energy (and all of my husband's time and attention).
At 10 AM, I drove in with my friend Brandy (because Richard had to be there extra early). When we arrived there were lawn care workers weed eating and making lots of noise. (That's my excuse, ok?) I got out of my car, and just as I was walking away I had this sense that I was forgetting something. I turned around and said "Did I lock the door?" I walked close enough back to the car to see the lock tab was down, shrugged my shoulders and walked inside. I guess I didn't forget anything, and if I did I would remember it later if it was important.
Around 1 PM, my sister in law, Virginia called my phone,
"Christen. We are in the parking lot and walked past your car. It is still running and the keys are in the ignition!"
"Yeah, we walked by it. The door is locked, but it is still running."
Yes. I left it running for 3 hours. But I locked the door. I even double checked. I just missed the important step after putting it in park, and that is turning the car off and taking the keys out. Thankfully I have keyless entry on my door, so I can punch in the code and the door unlocks (I love that feature. I have NEVER locked myself out of my car which I am very capapble of). I am also grateful that there was no immediate or evident damage and I was able to drive it home. My gas tank is almost empty. Hopefully, I will remember to get it refilled today before I go home. Hopefully.
This is going to be a wild ride folks! All I can say is please pray for my future child...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Oh No! I feel good!
I can't help it! Every time something changes I get nervous.
Friday and Saturday, I was miserable. I was moody, exhausted, and very nauseous! On top of which, I had a pounding headache. Sunday morning, I woke up expecting to feel gross, and I felt great instead! I didn't feel sick at all and I had enough energy to sustain me through all of Sunday morning activities which included leading worship with the kids and a very long Atlanta Passion Play rehearsal. Weird.
Then Monday, I came into work, and I felt normal. No nausea...same thing today. And instead of rejoicing I am trying to decide whether or not to call my doctor.
I am so worried! Why do I feel good? Shouldn't I feel terrible until October? Bottom line is, there could be a million reasons as to why I feel this way. Worrying will do nothing for me.
The Bible says:
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:31-34
Friday and Saturday, I was miserable. I was moody, exhausted, and very nauseous! On top of which, I had a pounding headache. Sunday morning, I woke up expecting to feel gross, and I felt great instead! I didn't feel sick at all and I had enough energy to sustain me through all of Sunday morning activities which included leading worship with the kids and a very long Atlanta Passion Play rehearsal. Weird.
Then Monday, I came into work, and I felt normal. No nausea...same thing today. And instead of rejoicing I am trying to decide whether or not to call my doctor.
I am so worried! Why do I feel good? Shouldn't I feel terrible until October? Bottom line is, there could be a million reasons as to why I feel this way. Worrying will do nothing for me.
The Bible says:
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:31-34
Monday, March 28, 2011
taking a moment...
I am trying to put together a little more of my story for the past year, and I wanted to explain the purpose for my title "and hope remains." However, I have had to save it and put it away a few times, because it is starting to get vulnerable. I don't like that. I want to come through upbeat and sound like I am doing fine. But the truth is, this past year has been bumpy, and I feel as though my spiritual walk has been less than what I want to portray.
It pains me to say that I was or ever could be angry at God. I'm ashamed at my struggle with my faith sometimes. I work at a church so I feel that I shouldn't struggle with things like this. It should come easy to me, right? (Wrong. Very wrong. It's crazy and often unspiritual working at a church. Hello!) Anyways, I doubt there is anyone with a genuine faith in God that does not go through moments of struggle and doubt. We should; it's part of building a relationship with Him. Jacob, a patriarch of the Bible, he wrestled with God (Genesis 23:24-28).
And as painful as moments of tumult can be, I almost want to experience them if it means I will experience a deepening in my relationship and faith. I don't know really how to appropriately explain that except that I'm not asking for fire to rain down on me. But I don't want my faith to be based on happy, feel-good feelings all the time or view God as a genie-like problem fixer. He is God. It is for HIS sake that I live and breathe, and not the other way around.
I was reading an article by Kim Gentes the other day where he was talking about worship leaders and their desire to display the right kind of welcoming, triumphant programming. He said, "While there is strong scriptural precedent for mournful sorrow, frustrated concern, and even languishing anger, very few modern Christian leaders speak on such topics."
How true! There are too few Christian books, music, and sermons that are willing to go into the gutsy part of the Bible that talks about raw emotions and struggle. We like the triumphant, "we win!" stuff better. So today, as I snack on my goldfish crackers before lunch, I wanted to take a moment to be open first.
I'm nauseous and vulnerable today!
It pains me to say that I was or ever could be angry at God. I'm ashamed at my struggle with my faith sometimes. I work at a church so I feel that I shouldn't struggle with things like this. It should come easy to me, right? (Wrong. Very wrong. It's crazy and often unspiritual working at a church. Hello!) Anyways, I doubt there is anyone with a genuine faith in God that does not go through moments of struggle and doubt. We should; it's part of building a relationship with Him. Jacob, a patriarch of the Bible, he wrestled with God (Genesis 23:24-28).
And as painful as moments of tumult can be, I almost want to experience them if it means I will experience a deepening in my relationship and faith. I don't know really how to appropriately explain that except that I'm not asking for fire to rain down on me. But I don't want my faith to be based on happy, feel-good feelings all the time or view God as a genie-like problem fixer. He is God. It is for HIS sake that I live and breathe, and not the other way around.
I was reading an article by Kim Gentes the other day where he was talking about worship leaders and their desire to display the right kind of welcoming, triumphant programming. He said, "While there is strong scriptural precedent for mournful sorrow, frustrated concern, and even languishing anger, very few modern Christian leaders speak on such topics."
How true! There are too few Christian books, music, and sermons that are willing to go into the gutsy part of the Bible that talks about raw emotions and struggle. We like the triumphant, "we win!" stuff better. So today, as I snack on my goldfish crackers before lunch, I wanted to take a moment to be open first.
I'm nauseous and vulnerable today!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Nervously not nauseous
So want to be sure to be faithful to updating this. I will try. Promise. I also want to put pictures up to spice it up and make things interesting. So look for that soon and keep me accountable. :)
As soon as I inform anyone (right now just close friends and family) that I am pregnant, they immediately ask two questions: 1. How far along are you? and 2. Are you nauseous?
So I will answer those now. 1. I am 8 weeks and 6 days today. My little one is the size of a grape. (Grape's favorite!) and 2. Not really...!!
Should I be? I have had boughts of exhaustion which lead to feeling groggy. I've felt dizzy. Nausea comes ever so slightly in the morning before I eat. But I'm fine after breakfast. I do try to eat something right away and not wait til I get to work. I did that one day, forgetting, and had to eat my apple I had packed for an afternoon snack RIGHT AWAY.
I had an appointment with the nurse last week, and she asked me if I was experiencing any nausea. I said, "Not yet." She was shocked by my answer and said "that's ok. Be thankful it hasn't happened. Maybe it won't for you." She also told me that most feel nausea when they start the prenatal vitamins or when they are dehydrated.
I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now, so I was already changing my health habits: drinking tons of water, limiting caffeine, and starting prenatals in September. I'm thankful that these were not huge transitions, and that I was already to speak.
So no major morning sickness...not yet anyways! I guess I am just always going to be thinking the worst is coming. But don't worry. I am armed if it comes. I have Sour Patch Kids candy and Tums in my desk drawer, and a bottle of Mylanta by my nightstand.
As soon as I inform anyone (right now just close friends and family) that I am pregnant, they immediately ask two questions: 1. How far along are you? and 2. Are you nauseous?
So I will answer those now. 1. I am 8 weeks and 6 days today. My little one is the size of a grape. (Grape's favorite!) and 2. Not really...!!
Should I be? I have had boughts of exhaustion which lead to feeling groggy. I've felt dizzy. Nausea comes ever so slightly in the morning before I eat. But I'm fine after breakfast. I do try to eat something right away and not wait til I get to work. I did that one day, forgetting, and had to eat my apple I had packed for an afternoon snack RIGHT AWAY.
I had an appointment with the nurse last week, and she asked me if I was experiencing any nausea. I said, "Not yet." She was shocked by my answer and said "that's ok. Be thankful it hasn't happened. Maybe it won't for you." She also told me that most feel nausea when they start the prenatal vitamins or when they are dehydrated.
I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now, so I was already changing my health habits: drinking tons of water, limiting caffeine, and starting prenatals in September. I'm thankful that these were not huge transitions, and that I was already to speak.
So no major morning sickness...not yet anyways! I guess I am just always going to be thinking the worst is coming. But don't worry. I am armed if it comes. I have Sour Patch Kids candy and Tums in my desk drawer, and a bottle of Mylanta by my nightstand.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Cupcakes and Door Smut
So here begins my new journey. I wanted to send this instead of a newsletter because first of all it means I'm not spamming your inbox with info everyday, and two, because that seems too much like a missionary.
Plus, I have always wanted to blog. Never knew quite what to write about. My mentor and good friend Linda ALWAYS encourages me to write, but I have too many excuses to start. So hopefully this helps motivate me to keep it up every day.
First blog update: I am 8 weeks. That's exciting. My little one is the size of a kidney bean. Next week he/ she will be the size of a grape. I'm very Baptist as you know. I grew up Baptist and I currently work at a Baptist church. Therefore my idea of the size of a kidney bean maybe larger than your version of a kidney bean. But it helps me imagine.
Two weeks ago we had our very first ultra sound where we heard the heartbeat. That is just AMAZING. It's amazing that we have technology that can do that; it's amazing that the technology is so that it can detect a heartbeat of something (or someone rather) so small; it's amazing that we could hear the heartbeat of something inside me. This is all truly miraculous.
I have not yet experienced morning sickness to a full degree yet. Nausea is there, but it is easily settled when I eat. Therefore I may end up being the size of a HOUSE when this whole thing is said and done. I don't mind having a reason to pig out all the time, but I want to be careful so as to eat healthy for the both of us...and because I don't want to be obese...ever! You see, I don't crave pickles (which my friend informed me are no points in Weight Watchers). I don't crave strange combination of food...just the thought of strange combos make me queasy. I crave CAKE! Everyday. All day. Hopefully my cravings will morph, but cake is the drug of choice.
So the other day, I was desperately looking throughout the building for any kind of cake; Little Debbie, Hostess, leftover coworker birthday, anything! At around 2 pm, I grabbed my purse and headed to Starbucks. I ordered a decaf latte to hide my true reason for being there. Cake. God bless starbucks! Their new dessert idea is petite one or two bite desserts. I ordered 2 and was happy that I didn't have to pull over into Kroger for a chocolate sheet cake. But at 4:30 the craving was not satisfied, so I actually ended up at Kroger after work and purchased strawberry cake mix and icing. I made cupcakes as soon as I got home, as I was making dinner of course. I only ate 2 that night. (Richard had 4...he likes my cravings right now.) I also brought some to work the next day, so I would not have to scour the building again. Yay cravings.
Another aspect of pregnancy I am noticing rise up is what people keep calling "nesting." Personally I think this is more of a hormonal "annoyance at everything", but "nesting" sounds more pleasant. I came home Wednesday afternoon, and I had 30 minutes to take Levi out and grab a bite to eat before heading back to work. But walking through the front door I noticed this black smut all over our teal door. Our "towndominium" is an end unit closest to the woods. I believe the smut is the trees spitting all over everything, not mold or something dangerous. I rolled my eyes at the fact that it had gotten so bad and walked in the door. Levi left me a "present"...inducing a slight gag as I gathered the stuff to cleaned it up. Then as if the vinegar water bottle illuminated in my hand, I jumped up and started all over the house, spraying in all the places that looked like stains. Then I grabbed another roll of paper towels and headed to the door. I scrubbed and scrubbed, still in my work clothes. I'm sure it was a sight. I spent 18 minutes of the 30 I had cleaning, and had pickle smelling hands for the rest of the night. But that was big. I accomplished something. I actually took the initiative to clean. Wow!
Pregnancy might be really good for me!
Plus, I have always wanted to blog. Never knew quite what to write about. My mentor and good friend Linda ALWAYS encourages me to write, but I have too many excuses to start. So hopefully this helps motivate me to keep it up every day.
First blog update: I am 8 weeks. That's exciting. My little one is the size of a kidney bean. Next week he/ she will be the size of a grape. I'm very Baptist as you know. I grew up Baptist and I currently work at a Baptist church. Therefore my idea of the size of a kidney bean maybe larger than your version of a kidney bean. But it helps me imagine.
Two weeks ago we had our very first ultra sound where we heard the heartbeat. That is just AMAZING. It's amazing that we have technology that can do that; it's amazing that the technology is so that it can detect a heartbeat of something (or someone rather) so small; it's amazing that we could hear the heartbeat of something inside me. This is all truly miraculous.
I have not yet experienced morning sickness to a full degree yet. Nausea is there, but it is easily settled when I eat. Therefore I may end up being the size of a HOUSE when this whole thing is said and done. I don't mind having a reason to pig out all the time, but I want to be careful so as to eat healthy for the both of us...and because I don't want to be obese...ever! You see, I don't crave pickles (which my friend informed me are no points in Weight Watchers). I don't crave strange combination of food...just the thought of strange combos make me queasy. I crave CAKE! Everyday. All day. Hopefully my cravings will morph, but cake is the drug of choice.
So the other day, I was desperately looking throughout the building for any kind of cake; Little Debbie, Hostess, leftover coworker birthday, anything! At around 2 pm, I grabbed my purse and headed to Starbucks. I ordered a decaf latte to hide my true reason for being there. Cake. God bless starbucks! Their new dessert idea is petite one or two bite desserts. I ordered 2 and was happy that I didn't have to pull over into Kroger for a chocolate sheet cake. But at 4:30 the craving was not satisfied, so I actually ended up at Kroger after work and purchased strawberry cake mix and icing. I made cupcakes as soon as I got home, as I was making dinner of course. I only ate 2 that night. (Richard had 4...he likes my cravings right now.) I also brought some to work the next day, so I would not have to scour the building again. Yay cravings.
Another aspect of pregnancy I am noticing rise up is what people keep calling "nesting." Personally I think this is more of a hormonal "annoyance at everything", but "nesting" sounds more pleasant. I came home Wednesday afternoon, and I had 30 minutes to take Levi out and grab a bite to eat before heading back to work. But walking through the front door I noticed this black smut all over our teal door. Our "towndominium" is an end unit closest to the woods. I believe the smut is the trees spitting all over everything, not mold or something dangerous. I rolled my eyes at the fact that it had gotten so bad and walked in the door. Levi left me a "present"...inducing a slight gag as I gathered the stuff to cleaned it up. Then as if the vinegar water bottle illuminated in my hand, I jumped up and started all over the house, spraying in all the places that looked like stains. Then I grabbed another roll of paper towels and headed to the door. I scrubbed and scrubbed, still in my work clothes. I'm sure it was a sight. I spent 18 minutes of the 30 I had cleaning, and had pickle smelling hands for the rest of the night. But that was big. I accomplished something. I actually took the initiative to clean. Wow!
Pregnancy might be really good for me!
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