I seem to get this question a lot lately..."are you going back to work?"
My chiropractor raised his eyebrows at me when I said "not yet." I can't imagine that yet, but i have no idea what I will do or when i will be able to do that. I LOVED working with children and leading worship and writing skits. LOVED it. I miss it often. I miss putting on clothes that aren't sweats and baggy tshirts. I miss seeing people everyday, and building relationships, and knowing that I was making a difference.
My chiropractor jumped in fast with, "My wife couldn't wait to get back to work!"
"Well, maybe someday." I mumbled.
But will i? I can't help but get lost sometimes in the laundry and rice cereal. It's hard to do the SAME thing over and over again, day after day. My biggest accomplishments seem to be focused on how well she took her nap, and whether i had the strength to get out of the house (that seems to require months of preparation).
My heart aches for the people I no longer get to see. I hate that I can't be at church all the time like I used to. I'm at home. and it's hard. And then sometimes I feel like people challenge that.
Now I know that many people have to go back to work, and that it's not an option to stay at home. I know I should value this time as a privilege and be thankful for the many hours I get to spend with Charis. But sometimes, its hard to value those hours, and all I am thankful for is bedtime.
Almost every night, I give Charis her last bottle before putting her to bed. We do this in her room in the glider with the lights low so that she can begin to wind down. Sometimes she will fall asleep before her bottle is done. As she is eating, I like to watch something. Sadly this is a habit from when i had to get up with her at 4 AM. Since we are in her room, I usually will plug into one of Elevation Church's podcasts on my phone and watch one of their church services. Sometimes this is my only "devotion time."
As she is falling asleep I pray over her and sing songs. Its a sweet moment (although sometimes she rudely interrupts and poops on me and I'm like "Listen Chick! We are having a spiritual, loving moment. Don't ruin it." Poop is SUCH a downer!)
During one of the messages I listen to, Pastor Furtick talked about when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
In Matthew 3:16-17, it says "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
That Voice from Heaven we know is God the Father, right? He is confirming that Jesus is His Son.
I had never seen this before. Then the Destroyer (the Devil) walks into the very next chapter and we can barely get in a couple verses before he says to Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:3) "The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
If you are the Son of God?
But the God of the Universe just confirmed this. Outloud. With a dove and a cool lighting cue. Everyone at the riverside baptism service heard it. So why is it that the Devil can get his foot in like this, even with Jesus? God can confirm something true in our lives, and the Devil walks in with a big ole "IF" and makes you question everything.
The Lord reminded recently that even though it seems insignificant, my purpose is to be her mother. I am to ensure my daughter's survival and well being. I am to provide and protect her every day. My job is to make sure she is clothed, nourished, and cared for. Its a HUGE responsibility. I should get a medal! We should all get medals for every bath and diaper full of ungodliness! but they don't pass those out...not yet anyway (I'll try to work on that).
But when one tiny sock goes missing and I have to sniff her butt to see if her diaper is messy...I can forget that. When she learns to wipe her mouthful of rice cereal on her hand and I have to put the paci in for the hundredth time so that she will (PLEASE!) go to sleep...I forget my purpose.
How easily I allow the circumstances to whisper "If you were working.....If you were doing something else....Are you sure this is all your life is for? Are you sure there isn't something more you can be doing with your time?"
Whatever your station in life, this message applies to all: remember your purpose. God has spoken over your life. He has given you a task, a message, a responsibility.
You have a purpose...don't let anyone say "IF" to you.
Very well said, Christen! And something we all need to be reminded of constantly! Thank you :o)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing article. Really touched my heart and encouraged me today. Hang in there and look to God for your strength. I'm sure Charis really appreciates all you do for her! :)