Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 20- Pink explosion

At 20 weeks, the baby is the size of a banana.

We are having a GIRL!

I cannot believe it. I really thought all this time that it was a boy, and so my brain has been processing boys for so long that transferring thoughts to peonies, daisies, glitter, and ballet is quite a transition. But I am thankful and excited just the same!

We had our ultrasound at a perinatal office on Friday. The best I can describe is a very specialized ultrasound since my pregnancy is high risk. The benefits of being "high-risk" is that the doctors are very cautious and have to do a lot more ultrasounds than normal.... so I get to see my baby every 6 weeks. Hooray!

Richard went to this appointment with me, and my super active baby was still super active (she is going to be a dancer, I believe!). During this ultrasound they go through all the anatomy and check everything: from measuring the femur bone and forearm, to counting the bones in the pink finger. This is also of course where they confirm the sex of the baby. We didn't want to be surprised! We were ready to find out.

As the technician was doing some measurements of the stomach and and torso, she kept laughing at how the baby was putting her (ah! her!!) hand in all the shots. (That is such an Uncle Tay tay thing to do!) So you see her ankle and toes and...a hand. They she would MOOOOVE around and put her hands above her head. and then back down again. I just kept thinking, jazz hands! (See? Dancer.)

After that nurse was finished she said "stay as you are" (goop and all) because the doctor would come in to look too. But they sent in another nurse to confirm a measurement, and more goop was squirted on my stomach. Then she left and 10 minutes later the doctor came in and added more goop. Ick! I think they just like the splft! sound the bottle makes. Richard took a picture of my goopiness. Thanks, dear.

Everything looked normal and healthy.  Praise the Lord! They don't see any concerns right now. The doctor just wants to keep an eye on things, so I go back mid July for another ultrasound.

As soon as we left they doctor, we both started calling family and friends. I had a few confusing conversations in the car as my excitement and Richard's excitement spilled together into a dueling phone match. :)

Richard said a few times, "my world is about to explode in pink!" He's soooo right!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

19 Weeks- the Kicking Tomato

I am at 19 weeks today and the baby is the size of an heirloom tomato.  I have started to feel a lot of commotion and movement lately, even some light kicks. It's really amazing and no words can describe the feeling.

I just had to show this:

Each week, I get an update from an app on my iPhone (from a website called babycenter.com) about the progress of the baby and a picture pops up like this one at 12 weeks:

 Growing. Developing. Happy and content. But wait...
This is the picture that came up today (at 19 weeks)!
Really?  No wonder the little thing is starting to kick. If the baby is anything like me, he/she is having some MAJOR personal space issues. I would be having a serious meltdown at this point.

Speaking of HE or SHE...we are finding out on FRIDAY if we are decorating the nursery with airplanes or ruffles. We can't wait!